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Annual Environmental Report 2023



This document serves as the 2nd annual Report for the monitoring of environmental impact of the Project entitled “Line 4, Section A’: Alsos Veikou – Goudi” of the Athens Metro, it concerns year 2023 and, more specifically, the time period from 01.01.2023 until 31.12.2023 and the following worksite locations of the Project, namely:

  1. Katehaki TBM Shaft
  2. Veikou TBM Shaft
  3. DIKASTIRIA Station
  4. KOLONAKI Station
  5. AKADEMIA Station
  6. GNA Shaft
  7. EYDAP Shaft
  8. Dikaiossynis Shaft



In the framework of this report, evaluation is made of the environmental impact from the construction of the Project in the natural and man-made environment and presentation is made of all measures implemented in order to deal with this impact, in compliance with and adhering to the applicable legislation and the Approved Environmental Terms of the Project.

Impact during the construction of the Project on the following environmental parameters are under examination, namely:

  • Soil characteristics
  • Water resources
  • Atmosphere
  • Acoustical environment
  • Technical infrastructures – networks
  • Urban green
  • Waste management

The aforementioned impact is assessed as non-significant, moderately, significant and practically zero. Impact is also distinguished into permanent or non-lasting, depending on the duration of the impact. In general, permanent impact is considered as the impact still in effect after the completion of the Project, while non-lasting impact is the one that ceases to exist after the completion of the Project construction period.

Finally, impact is divided into reversible or irreversible.



The main construction works that have been executed during the reference period of the subject report (2023) and can be related to any impact on the soil are as follows:

  • Excavation works at KOLONAKI, AKADEMIA, DIKASTIRIA Stations, Katehaki TBM shaft, GNA shaft, Veikou TBM shaft, Dikaiossynis shaft and TBM tunnel
  • Disposal of excavation spoil

Impact assessment and measures to address the relevant impact

  • Excavation works

Excavation works entail changes on the soil related to the local change of the characteristics of the relief of the soil in the restricted area of the Project worksites.

Excavations are carried out in accordance with the approved designs of the Project, implementing at the same time all the foreseen retaining measures in order to avoid any changes on the mechanical characteristics of the adjacent geological formations. Instruments and a direct monitoring system of the geological formations’ displacements have been installed in the excavation areas, so that –if required- all necessary measures can be introduced.

Thus, any impact due to the excavation works are limited and short-term and this impact shall be fully eliminated after the construction and backfilling of the Project’s Stations and Shafts, since the subject areas are reinstated in terms of morphology in accordance with the approved designs.

  • Disposal of excavation spoil

The redundant excavation spoil is transferred to be disposed in licensed and approved disposal areas. Licenses for the excavation spoil disposal areas as well as the respective approvals and back-up documentation have been submitted along with the Special Study for handling Excavation Spoil and Construction Materials.

The aforementioned works for the disposal of the excavation spoil have a positive impact on the environment since, until the present date, the entire quantity of the excavation spoil has been used for the needs of other projects (reinstatement of quarries, backfilling – covering materials).

Therefore, a positive balance of earthworks has been created between the disposal areas and the excavations of the Project.



The most important construction works that have been executed during the reference period concerning the subject report and can be related to any possible impact on the ground and surface water are as follows:

  • Excavation – retaining works at KOLONAKI, AKADEMIA, DIKASTIRIA Stations and Katehaki TBM shaft, GNA shaft, Veikou TBM shaft, Dikaiossynis shaft and TBM tunnel
  • Water pumping and management from the aforementioned excavation fronts.

Impact assessment and measures to address the relevant impact

The aforementioned works can potentially affect the existing water condition in the following cases:

  • Through the uncontrolled disposal of liquid waste from the worksite installations or work areas (e.g. machine washing water, vehicle wheel washing water)
  • Through the uncontrolled disposal of water deriving from excavation and drilling activities, when these activities take place at a level lower than the ground water table level
  • Through water consumption for the execution of construction activities (e.g. sprinkling water to excavation fronts, to surfaces for vehicular traffic etc.) and green related works.

In order to prevent and address impact and in compliance with the Environmental Terms of the Project, the following measures were introduced:

  • Construction of water collection and settling pit for the water deriving from vehicle’s washing activities at the worksite areas exiting point
  • Installation of settling tanks in the worksite areas for cleaning pumped water
  • Monthly sampling of pumped water from the settling tanks of all worksite areas and performance of chemical analyses to control adherence to the applicable legislation
  • Monthly recording of the consumption of the natural resource named “water”, through the procedures foreseen in the Contractor’s ISO 14001 system, in view of using water rationally for covering the construction works’ needs in all worksite areas.

During the reference period and based on the above, negative impact from the execution of works has been neither identified nor recorded.



The main construction works that have been executed during the reference period of the subject report that can be related to eventual impact on the air are as follows:

  • Excavation and retaining works at KOLONAKI, AKADEMIA, DIKASTIRIA Stations and Katehaki TBM shaft, as well as at GNA shaft, Veikou TBM shaft and Dikaiossynis shaft
  • Use and operation of machinery on soil surface or non-cladded surfaces (e.g. excavators, drilling machines, loading machines)
  • Traffic of mainly heavy vehicles on the soil surface of the worksites
  • Transfer of excavation spoil and construction materials of the Project using heavy vehicles.

Impact assessment and measures to address the relevant impact

In order to prevent and deal with any impact due to air-pollutants, the following measures have been introduced in accordance with the Environmental Terms of the Project:

  • Systematic water sprinkling of all soil surfaces within the worksites to avoid dust dispersion
  • Laying the areas where vehicles circulate within the worksites using road paving material and concrete
  • Water sprinkling of excavation materials before leaving the worksite areas and being transferred to the relevant disposal areas
  • Transfer of excavation spoil by covering the muck vehicles using the appropriate protective cover
  • Washing the vehicles wheels when exiting the worksite
  • Cleaning the streets adjacent to the worksites using a self-propelled sweeper
  • Preparation and use of a specific schedule for the transfer of excavation spoil and construction materials of the Project
  • Regular maintenance of equipment/vehicles/machinery for the proper operation and reduction of fume emissions
  • Execution of monthly measurements of the concentration of PM-10 – PM-2.5 and NO2 particles in the air (in accordance with the Approved Monitoring Program of Particles and NO2).

During the reference period and based on the above, there are no recordings about concentrations in the air exceeding the limit values set in the applicable legislation. Therefore, the emissions of air pollutants due to works executed until the present date are local, mild and short-term and are not expected to affect the air quality in the wider area of the works and, thus, are not considered severe as regards their impact.



The main construction works that have been executed during the reference period of the subject report and can be associated with any eventual impact on the environment due to noise are as follows:

  • Works for the excavation and retaining of the shafts
  • Use and operation of Project construction machinery
  • Traffic of heavy vehicles to and from the worksite areas

Impact assessment and measures to address the relevant impact

In order to prevent and deal with any impact mainly on the man-made environment and in accordance with the Environmental Terms and Environmental Specifications of the Project, the following measures have been introduced:

  • Preparation and implementation of a Special Noise and Vibrations Study for each worksite area
  • Installation of metal acoustical panels for noise reduction in all worksite areas that have been occupied
  • Scheduling of works to avoid the execution of noise generating works during rest hours
  • Briefing residents of adjacent properties if noise generating works are under execution
  • Use of machinery with the relevant EC type approval certificate for noise
  • Use of movable soundproof partitions for machinery
  • Avoidance of concurrent operation of machines generating high levels of noise and vibrations (air compressors, drilling machinery, hammers, piling machinery, road rollers etc.) as well as their operation during rest hours
  • Execution of monthly noise – vibration measurements in all worksite areas in which works are under execution, in accordance with the approved Noise and Vibrations Control Schedule and based on the results of the approved Special Noise and Vibration Study.

During the reference period based on the above, the noise levels from the works executed until the present date are relatively low, while zero decibels are recorded once the individual noise generating works are completed; thus, their impact is not considered severe.



The main construction works that have been executed during the reference period of the subject report and can be associated with any eventual impact on the existing infrastructure and transportation networks are as follows:

  • Occupation of worksite areas
  • Traffic arrangements in the worksites’ occupation areas
  • Traffic of heavy vehicles for the transfer of excavation spoil and the construction materials to and from the worksites

Impact assessment and measures to address the relevant impact

  • Preparation and implementation of traffic arrangement designs approved by the Services concerned in the worksite installations’ areas
  • Preparation and implementation of approved traffic schedule of heavy vehicles, specifying the main traffic roads to and from the worksite
  • Specified trips, based on the aforementioned schedule, of the vehicles for the transportation of excavation spoil and construction materials to and from the worksites, aiming at avoiding residential areas to the extent possible
  • Circulation of heavy vehicles through the main road axes of the wider area of the Project, which (axes) can withstand without any problems the additional traffic load, while traffic in the local access roads to and from the worksite areas is carried out following communication with and approval by the local authorities concerned
  • Cooperation with the local authorities concerned as regards the traffic management
  • Installation of traffic signs (cones, light signals, signs etc.) to warn drivers and pedestrians about the risks due to the execution of works and to assist in the normalization traffic around the worksites
  • Construction of sufficient and safe pedestrian crossings and accesses in work areas, residential areas and shops (sidewalks, ramps etc.), as required, in accordance with the traffic studies
  • Immediate repair of any damage due to construction works, caused to the existing road network outside the worksite boundaries
  • Frequent cleaning of the local road network adjacent to the worksite areas.

During the reference period based on the above, no significant negative impact has been either identified or recorded on the accessibility of citizens to public areas, properties, shops and work areas. Any impact whatsoever is considered as local, mild and lasting for the time period during which works are under execution.



Any impact identified during the reference period on the urban green, in the areas of worksite occupations, concerns the transfer of existing trees and bushes due to works under execution.

Impact assessment and measures to address the relevant impact

In order to avoid any negative impact on the flora and the urban green in the worksite areas, the following measures have been introduced:

  • Transplantation of those types of trees and bushes that can be transplanted in areas adjacent to worksites and in the seedbed of the Municipality of Athens, following the suggestion and the relevant permit issued by the Greenery Divisions of the relevant Municipalities.
  • Removal and handling of trees and bushes that cannot be transplanted, following the relevant permit issued by the Services concerned, in an appropriate licensed plant.
  • Submittal for approval to ELLINIKO METRO S.A. of a Special Study for the Management of Urban Green and Flora, including the overall management of the existing flora and the specifications concerning the transplantation works.



Waste generated by to the Project’s construction activities performed until the present date includes the following:

  • Urban waste from the project personnel
  • Waste from the operation of the worksite offices, such as paper, empty ink packages, lamps, electric – electronic devices
  • Waste from material packaging, such as paper bags for cement products, cartons, plastic – plastic packages, metal packages, wooden pallets
  • Steel reinforcement scrap
  • Waste from mineral oils’ – lubricants’ packages
  • Litter from worksites.

In order to prevent and address impact on the natural and man-made environment from the disposal of the aforementioned waste, the following measures have been implemented:

  • The urban waste are placed in litter bins and are collected by garbage trucks of the Cleaning Services of the relevant Municipalities
  • Paper and plastic waste from the operation of the worksite offices are collected in small bins bearing the appropriate signage, located in the worksite offices and are subsequently placed in recycle bins. Recycling is effected by the Cleaning Services of the relevant Municipalities
  • Installation of special bins in the worksites to collect any type of waste separately
  • Conclusion of contracts with licensed treatment companies and collective systems of alternative treatment for the disposal of the produced waste
  • Full recording of all waste treatment by implementing ISO 14001 system.



A Division for the Environment has been set up and is responsible for monitoring, controlling and ensuring adherence to the environmental terms of the Project, as well as to the Project’s Environmental Monitoring Plan; the subject Division consists of executives from ELLINIKO METRO S.A., the Contracting Consortium and the Engineering Consultants.