The control and measurements related data presented below concern the units of the Environmental Requirements Program for the year 2022.
Noise, Vibrations and Particle Matter Measurements
For controlling the level of noise, vibrations and particulate matter in the Metro worksites, sixty (60) measurements were carried out in total for the year 2022, for each one of the above three categories.
The general picture results from the monthly measurements carried out for controlling the parameters on a total of five (5) Project worksites (NOMARCHIA – KALAMARIA – ARETSOU – NEA KRINI – MICRA Stations). The relevant detailed results were submitted to ELLINIKO METRO S.A. through the monthly environmental reports.
Based on the obtained results, no deviations or overrun of values have derived in relation to the limits set for the corresponding measurement categories.
Pumped Water Control – Chemical Analyses
In order to control pumped water at the Metro worksites, twelve (12) sampling and chemical analyses were executed throughout 2022.
Based on the relevant results, as presented in the monthly reports submitted to ELLINIKO METRO S.A., no overrun of the disposal parameters have been noted.
Waste Management
The management of all Project waste, hazardous and non-hazardous, is carried out based on the applicable legislation, while the relevant quantities are registered in the Electronic Registry of Waste of the Ministry of Environment and Energy through the annual waste declarations. Waste – for each separate waste category – is led to licensed collection-transportation and disposal companies, while the required back-up documentation is issued.
The general picture of the quantities per waste category for the year 2022 is presented in the monthly and six-month monitoring reports submitted by the Contractor including a detailed recording of the data that concern dates/transmission sheets/ worksites.
All the back-up documentation is kept in the Project log and can be made available to the competent Authorities and Project Bodies in the framework of their inspections.