Web Portal - Elliniko Metro A.E.

Thessaloniki Metro Development Study (MAMTH)

Feasibility of the Project

The design of the Thessaloniki Metro projects under construction (Base Project, Extension to Kalamaria) was based on the General Transportation and Traffic Study for the city of Thessaloniki, which had been assigned by the Thessaloniki Regulatory Plan and Environmental Protection Organization (ORTHE) and was completed in 2000. Since then, no such study of this scale and extent has ever been prepared for the city of Thessaloniki. In view of fulfilling the needs of the Project of Thessaloniki Metro Extension to Kalamaria, and having proceeded to the updating of the travel demand related data, ELLINIKO METRO S.A., in cooperation with Thessaloniki Integrated Transport Authority (SASTH), compiled the necessary studies (Feasibility Study, 2011), 2016 being the target year.   

In view of investigating the needs for new Metro projects further to the implementation of the Metro Base Line and Kalamaria Extension and of in an effort to prepare Plan for the Development of a Metro Network in the city of Thessaloniki, in the framework of an updated Transportation Plan for this city – year 2040 being the 20-year planning horizon – it is most essential to prepare a new General Transport Study, the Thessaloniki Metro Development Study (MAMTH), which will specify the needs related to travel demands and to the development of respective infrastructure projects in the city of Thessaloniki.

The relevant survey is being conducted in conformance with the EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) and the government’s measures to avoid spread of corona virus covid-19.

Study area benefited population

The Study Area includes the Urban Complex of Thessaloniki and the surrounding Suburban Zone, with a total population of 991,847 inhabitants (Hellenic Statistical Authority – ELSTAT, 2011), corresponding to approximately 89% of Thessaloniki Prefecture (1,110.551 inhabitants). 

The Study Area includes the Municipalities of Thessaloniki, Kalamaria, Pylea-Hortiati, Thermi, Thermaikos, Neapoleos-Sykeon, Pavlou Mela, Ambelokipi-Menemeni, Eleftheriou-Kordelio, Oreokastro, Langadas and Delta.

Description of the physical scope

The Thessaloniki Metro Development Study is a General Transport Study aiming at configuring a Transport Plan in the framework of the medium/long-term Transport Planning for the city of Thessaloniki (target-years: 2030 and 2040).

In brief, MAMTH scopes include the following, namely:

  1. Inventory of existing features governing the operation of the transport systems in the Study Area as well as the characteristics or parameters specifying these systems’ supply and demand.  For this purpose, the following surveys shall be carried out, namely:
  • Household Survey
  • Stated Preference Survey
  • Inventories and Measurements in the Main Road Network and Roadside Survey
  • Measurements and Surveys in the Public Transport Modes (Urban Buses, Terminal Stations)
  1. Analysis of the existing condition and creation of relevant Data Bases.
  2. Development of alternative scenarios concerning the transport infrastructure networks in the framework of the medium/long-term Development Planning of the Study Area and the transport systems.  
  3. Development of the Transport Model for the city of Thessaloniki, in other words, of the mechanism for the simulation of the transport operation in the Study Area and those items defining the transport systems’ supply and demand, in order to evaluate the alternative scenarios for the transport networks to select the optimum Metro Network Development Plan in the framework of a comprehensive Transport Plan.  

Moreover, provision is made for the following sub-projects:

 – Sub-project 2 concerning the award of the Consultant Services Agreement to assist the Service as regards the supervision of MAMTH;

– Sub-project 3 concerning the Upgrading of VISUM Software, which is the necessary tool to meet the needs for supervision, monitoring and control of all Contractor’s works related to (a) the development of the Transport Model, and (b) its utilization in the examination of alternative scenarios for the development of the Metro Network in Thessaloniki, as well as the inspection of all related Deliverables, and

 – Sub-project 4 concerning advertising related activities (creation of promotion material for MAMTH) in view of updating the target public as regards the performance of the study in question in the entire Urban Complex and the suburban zone of Thessaloniki, ensuring the participation and cooperation of the public throughout the surveys and establishing trust, as regards the significance of the Project in view of improving the traffic conditions and the quality of life of those participating in the survey.

Project Objective

The preparation of the General Transport Study for the Thessaloniki Metro Development Study (MAMTH) for the Study Area

Funding Items

Act Integration Decision: οικ. ΕΥΔ/ΕΠ ΥΜΕΠΕΡΑΑ 1823/18-2-2021 Ministry of Development and Investments

Act Title: “Thessaloniki Metro Development Study (MAMTH)”

Integrated IS number: 5070455

Operational Program: “Transport Infrastructures, Environment and Sustainable Development 2014-2020”

Eligible public expenditure: EURO 2,195,920.50

Cohesion Fund – co-funded by Greece and the European Union


Data of the Thessaloniki Metro Development Study Contract (Sub-project 1)

Expenditure budget without VAT: 2,012,270.00€

Contract conclusion date: 17-09-2020

Contractor: ADT-OMEGA Engineers Consultants ATE

Contract duration: 800 calendar days as of the Order to Proceed

Data of the Awarding Authority

Awarding Authority: ELLINIKO METRO S.A.

Managing Department: Thessaloniki Metro Development Directorate

Co-funded by the NSRF, Operational Program “Transport Infrastructure, Environment and Sustainable Development”, and Priority Axis 16 “Technical Assistance Programme” of the Cohesion Fund.

Χρήσιμες Ερωτήσεις – Απαντήσεις
By participating in the great transportation Survey of ELLINIKO METRO S.A., you are able to depict your own transportation needs and you will contribute to the strategic planning of the Means of Public Transport in the urban complex of Thessaloniki.
The Survey is being conducted in the following Municipalities:

  • Thessaloniki

  • Kalamaria

  • Pylaia – Hortiatis

  • Thermi

  • Thermaikos

  • Neapoli - Sykies

  • Pavlos Melas

  • Ambelokipoi – Menemeni

  • Kordelio - Evosmos

  • Oraiokastro

  • Delta

  • Langada

Surveyors conducting the Survey on behalf of ELLINIKO METRO S.A. bear a special tag with their name and surname on it and wear an orange vest with ELLINIKO METRO S.A’s logo. You do not have to see them in your house. All you just have to do is answer their questions even from your home’s entrance.
Collected information concern how and why you travel, as well as other demographic data. This information is necessary in order to record the profile of the city’s traveling citizens.
Apartment blocks and households selected to participate in the Survey are a randomly chosen statistical samples based on the survey methodology.
Surveyors carrying out the Survey on behalf of ELLINIKO METRO S.A. will ring your doorbell/your phone video/knock on your door, and will ask you information related to the characteristics of your travels and of the travels of your household.
ELLINIKO METRO S.A. adheres to all sanitary protocols and the guidelines announced by the Greek State. Surveyors wear a mask throughout the duration of their visit and keep the foreseen distances from the persons interviewed. The interview is carried out in compliance with (EU) Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data (GDPR).