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METRO EXTENSION TO ELLINIKO – Conclusion of the contract for the extension to Elliniko

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  • METRO EXTENSION TO ELLINIKO – Conclusion of the contract for the extension to Elliniko

The Contract related to Line 2 extension to Elliniko was signed today.

With regard to this issue the Minister of PEHODE Mr. George Souflias  made the following statement:

“The contract for the project related to Line 2 extension to Elliniko was signed today. The total length of the extension is 5,5 km and 4 new stations will be constructed: the project will be constructed below surface and not at surface level, as it was initially provided for, abandoning the solution of an elevated bridge along Vouliagmenis Avenue that would create significant sound and visual disturbance.

We prepared new designs for the said project, we cancelled the previous tender procedure and decided to have the extension constructed below surface. It is worth mentioning that we managed to upset the initial design of the project with no impact in terms of cost or time. I wish to point out the following issues:

First of all. Based on the detailed design and taking into account the new price lists of YPEHODE, the cost per km will be only 75 million euros, thus ranking the project among the Metro projects, whose cost estimate is one of the lowest in Europe, not to mention that it is cheaper than the already implemented Athens Metro project whose cost estimate rose to 110 million euros/km.

Secondly. The contract was signed in March, i.e. within the time schedule that we had given out in the Press in October 2004, despite the 24 objections and appeals lodged by the bidding constructing companies at the greek courts and the European Committee, which were all finally rejected.
The construction of the project will commence in May 2006 and the extension of Line 2 to Helliniko will be delivered in the end of 2009, thus serving the needs of more than 80,000 passengers on a daily basis. At the same time, the possibility to have Bus Transfer Stations and Car Parks of high capacity constructed at ARGYROUPOLI & ELLINIKO is also investigated in order to achieve the optimum passengers accomodation.

Upon commisssioning of this extension, the distance from Helliniko to the city center (Syntagma) will be covered in only 14 minutes,while we all know that by car in rush hour it takes at least 45 minutes!”.


Adverse impact of the surface construction

The project was initially put to tender in February 2004 and the construction would be mainly surface up to Elliniko following the central island of Vouliagmenis Avenue. Respectively, the first two Stations would be overhead, the third surface and only the terminal station would be underground.

The construction of the project under this form would have the following consequences:

During the construction phase

  • Destruction of a green area (63,000m2) in the areas to be occupied for the development of the Metro worksites (45,000 m2 of green area of the central island of Vouliagmenis Avenue and 18 000 m2 in the Station area).
  • Cutting or removal of 540 trees.
  • Surface excavations of total surface 210 000 cubic metres;dust from excavations would cause inconvenience to the residents of the adjacent buildings, especially in summer.
  • Noise would be unavoidably generated due to the operation of special machinery of the worksite and the circulation of lorries along Vouliagmenis Avenue.
  • Occupation of four traffic lanes (two per direction) on Vouliagmenis Avenue for the development of worksite areas.
  • Demolition of the pedestrian bridge in the area of Alimos Avenue, as well as of Alexioupoleos bridge.

During the operation

  • Noise in the order of 61,8 db from 5:30 in the morning until the end of the Metro train operation (24:30).
  • Radical change of the image of the area along Vouliagmenis Avenue mainly affecting the residents of the said area;if it was a surface construction, the balconies of the flats located on the 1st floor look out on the passing-by trains.

Taking into account the aforementioned disadvantages and following a detailed examination of the method of construction, the Minister of PEHODE Mr. George Souflias decided to cancel the said tender and call for a new tender in February 2005, where the total of Line 2 extension to Helliniko would be underground, as this applies for the entire network of the Athens Metro.

Sixteen major technical companies, greek and foreign ones, participated in the new tender procedure and in September 2005, i.e. in less than 6 months, the tender procedure was completed and the temporary Contractor was appointed (AKTOR-SIEMENS-VINCI CONSTRUCTION GRANDS PROJECTS).

Upon conclusion of the contract, the installation of the Contractor will gradually commence so that the 5,5 km of undergound tunnel and the 4 new stations may be completed by the end of 2009.


  • Length of the extension: 5,5 km from Aghios Dimitrios to Elliniko.
  • The project will be fully underground.
  • Four new stations will be constructed named after the respective areas of the Municipalities of Ilioupoli, Alimos, Argyroupoli and Elliniko. The stations are located as follows:
  • The stations have similarities in their architectural structure: there will be recognizable shelters at the station entrances. Each station is 110m long with three levels (platform level, concourse level and E/M equipment level).
  • There will be two entrances at each station on either sides of Vouliagmenis Avenue. The Stations will be easily accessible by persons with special needs from both sides of Vouliagmenis Avenue.
  •  A fully underground area for train stabling will be constructed below the street which gives access to the former eastern airport. This area is necessary for the operation of Line 2.
  • For the commissioning of this project, five new trains, fully air-conditioned, automatically operated (ATO mode) will be required, but they will be the scope of another tender.
  • The project was designed based on the most up-to-date specifications and standards.


  • The Municipalities of Ag.Dimitrios, ilioupoli, Argyroupoli, Alimos and Elliniko will be mainly served upon commissioning of the new extension. It is estimated that within a radius of 500 m from each of the aforementioned stations approximately 34,000 people reside, while 18,000 people work in the vicinity of the said stations.
  • Foreseen ridership: 80,000 passengers on a daily basis.
  • Initial total decrease in road traffic by 50,000 vehicles/day.
  • Headways between trains: 3 minutes.
    (first phase of operation – rush hour – 2009): 5 minutes.
  • Time needed to cover the distance Elliniko – Syntagma: 14 minutes (today by car it takes more than 45 minutes in rush hour to cover the said distance).
  • Besides the structures required for the Metro extension program to Elliniko, ATTIKO METRO S.A. aims at creating the appropriate bus transfer facilities for passengers residing in the southern suburbs and at developping park and ride facilities.
Construction methods – Worksite Arrangements
  • The tunnel will be bored using the TBM-EPB tunnel boring machine, 9,5 m in diameter, following the alignment below Vouliagmenis Avenue, thus mitigating any impact to buildings and infrastructure.
  • The underground tunnel boring will mitigate any inconvenience to the city, thus proceeding to limited traffic interventions, with no reduction of traffic lanes on Vouliagmenis Avenue, while the intermediate arboraceous island of Vouliagmenis Avenue will not change except for specific points.
  • The stations, the ventilation and E/M shafts as well as the stabling area will be constructed using the C/C method.