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METRO EXTENSION TO AGHIA MARINA (HAIDARI) – Statements made by the Minister of PEHODE

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  • METRO EXTENSION TO AGHIA MARINA (HAIDARI) – Statements made by the Minister of PEHODE

In the presence of the Minister of PEHODE, Mr. George Souflias, the first journey of the Metro train in the section from Egaleo to Votanikos took place today, while yesterday he had visited the Metro works at Egaleo-Aghia Marina (Haidari) extension. Following the inspection of works, the Minister of PEHODE, Mr. George Souflias, made the following statements:

“Unfortunately, the Project of the Metro Line 3 Extension to Egaleo was delivered to us with major delays, which were due to a series of archaeological, technical, contractual and financial problems quite difficult to be solved. Today, not only have the problems of the past been solved, but we also managed to expedite the completion of the extension and, as you see, we are at the stage of architectural finishes and E/M equipment installation, with the assistance and hard work of Attiko Metro engineers and personnel and of all 400 employees of the Contracting Joint Venture. It is worth mentioning that when the project was delivered to us in March 2004 it was completed by 34%; however, we managed to reach 91% in a short time period!

As announced a year ago, the extension to Egaleo will be commissioned in April 2007 with the operation of 3 new Metro Stations: VOTANIKOS, ELEONAS, EGALEO, thus serving 80 000 passengers on a daily basis.

As you ascertained today with the first underground journey of the Metro train in the section from Egaleo to Votanikos, the project is at its final stage and in January 2007 the E/M system tests as well as the energization of the third rail are to commence.

The benefits from the operation of Line 3 to Egaleo not only focus on the safe, rapid and reliable transfer (Egaleo-Syntagma in 6 minutes), but also on the upgrading of the Metro Station areas with individual interventions, such as the re-development of squares at the existing worksite areas, the revealing of significant antiquities at EGALEO and ELEONAS Stations, the creation of a transfer station and an underground car park facility with a capacity of 450 places on Estavromenos square (EGALEO Station) and 500 places adjacent to ELEONAS Station.

However, the Metro project does not end at Egaleo. Already, at the further extension of the Metro Line to Aghia Marina (Haidari), the contracting consortium has developed all four worksite areas and works for the implementation of the project are in progress at an intensive pace: the construction of the tunnel commenced recently and early next year the tunnel will be constructed concurrently at four different fronts; excavation works for the construction of AGHIA MARINA (HAIDARI) Station and the respective car park facility with a capacity of 380 places will commence soon.

Metro Line 3 extension to AGHIA MARINA (HAIDARI) strictly adheres to the time schedule of the project and in 2008 more than 30,000 new passengers will enjoy the most modern, comfortable and reliable means of public transport.

Concurrently with the construction of the Metro extensions, we proceed with the further development of the network and till next summer (provided that there are not entanglements due to objections, appeals, etc) the Contractor of the extension AGHIA MARINA (HAIDARI)-PIRAEUS-EVANGELISTRIA will be appointed so that, on the one hand, the largest Port of the city be connected with the Metro network and ELEFTHERIOS VENIZELOS Airport, while, on the other hand, densely populated areas such as Korydallos, Nikea, Tambouria etc. be upgraded and served in terms of transportation, so that residents of the said areas have easy access to the center of Piraeus district as well as to the center of Athens.

The metro is the main body of Public Transportation Means network in Athens and seems to be the only reliable way to deal with traffic problems in Attica Basin. For this reason, since we assumed responsibility in the Ministry of PEHODE, priority was given to the metro extensions over other projects in Athens. Today, two years and a half have elapsed and the most extended front of Metro works has been developed, so that till 2012 the residents of Attica Basin be able to benefit from a metro network by far more extended than the one in operation prior to the 2004 Olympic Games.

And I tell you again that taking into consideration the Metro works currently in progress in Athens and Thessaloniki we double the length and the Metro Stations currently in operation. In detail, 22,3 km of new underground line and 23 new stations in Athens and Thessaloniki are added to the 26,1 km of line and the24 Metro Stations currently in operation in Athens, not to mention the Suburban Railway Line currently used by the Metro. Indeed, if we take into account the extension from Aghia Marina (Haidari) to Piraeus and the three new stations HOLARGOS, NOMISMATOKOPIO and AGHIA PARASKEVI whose construction will have commenced by summer 2007, then the front of the metro works in Greece will be by far more extended than the metro network currently in operation”.




VOTANIKOS Station is the first station of Line 3 extension to Egaleo and is located behind the area of Gazi, in the park surrounded by Triptolemou, Persefonis, Dekeleon and Voutadon Streets. The station has been constructed at a depth of 21 meters and has two entrances/exits; its west entrance is located at Dekeleon Street and the east entrance at Triptolemou Street. At the first level (concourse level), the station areas are spaciously arranged around the glass vault of the station ceiling. The fair-faced concrete, granites, glass-panels and steel structures used complement in a harmonious manner the architecture of VOTANIKOS Station.


ELEONAS Station is located at a depth of 26 meters underneath Iera Odos street, at its intersection with Em. Papa Street. The interior area of the station is characterized by two impressive underground vaults, which mark the focal circulation point to and from the platform escalators. At the concourse level, one out of the two underground vaults ends to a cylindrical glass ceiling at street level, thus enabling the diffusion of light on the entire first level of the station. The shotcrete used on the platforms, alternating with smooth granite surfaces, and the stainless steel details reveal the geometric elements of the area. At the street level, right above the station, the most significant finds of the archaeological excavation shall be displayed in co-operation with the Ministry of Culture.


EGALEO Station is the terminal station of Line 3 extension from Monastiraki to Egaleo. This is an underground station with a central platform, constructed at a depth of approximately 20m underneath Iera Odos street, where Estavromenos Square is located. EGALEO Station has two entrances: the northern entrance is located οn Estavromenos Square, while the southern entrance is located on Al. Papanastasiou street. Natural light reaches the first level of the station, i.e. the concourse area and the ticketing offices. At the square level, ATTIKO METRO, in co-operation with the Ministry of Culture, shall display the archaeological finds of the ancient Iera Odos.


The extended and long-lasting archaeological excavations was another challenge that the Metro construction works had to face in the extension of Line 3, since the alignment of the Line follows the axis of the ancient Iera Odos. It is worth pointing out that the archaeological excavations of Egaleo extension covered an overall surface, which exceeded 7,000m2 (3 Stations and shafts). This has been a hard and long-term procedure; however, due to the Metro excavation works, significant archaeological finds were encountered.

The basic finds are as follows:

  • Parts of the paving of the ancient Iera Odos, particularly dating from the Classic period (5th century B.C.)
  • Parts of District Cemeteries
  • Residential complexes and workshops dating from the early Archaic to the Byzantine years.
  • Parts of ancient walls with particularly solid masonry, possibly belonging to ancient temples.
  • Ancient disposal areas with many finds dating from all ancient eras (Marble tomb stele, heads of statues and many copper coins).
  • Abutments for the foundation of Kifissos ancient bridge at the eastern shaft of ELEONAS Station.

ATTIKO METRO S.A.,respecting in full the cultural heritage, examines, in co-operation with the Ministry of Culture, the revealing of part of the archaeological finds in specially configured showcases at EGALEO Station, as well as at the level of Egaleo main square and under properly configured sheds in ELEONAS Station and the adjacent ventilation shaft at the street level of Iera Odos.


In particular, with regard to the archaeological area of the square, in order to safeguard and exhibit the archeological area, two well-proportioned pyramidal structures (maximum height 6,3m) and an open corridor-bridge between these two structures will be created to facilitate the access to the Station and the display of the archaeological finds. The interior of the archaeological area will be lightened and the corridor will offer transparency in order to make visible the most important find, a section of ancient Iera Odos which is in a parallel position with the Avenue of today.



The Metro continues to be extended and as of May 2006 the Contractor Consortium has commenced the execution of works related to the Egaleo-Aghia Marina (Haidari) further extension. This is an extension, 1.5 km long, with the addition of a new Station, which is anticipated to serve in terms of transport the wider area of Aghia Marina (Haidari), Egaleo & Aghia Varvara, as well as the Hospital for Infectious Diseases, the Attiko Hospital and the Dromokatio Hospital. The Contractor Consortium has developed all the fronts of the project:


The Contractor has developed the required worksite area and works related to the removal of debris from the building plot where the Station will be completed were recently completed. The archaeological excavation at a section of the worksite is currently in progress.


The construction of two ventilation shafts of the extension is currently at an advanced stage, while the construction of the project has commenced. Indeed, these works are provided for to be executed at a more intensive pace, since early next year the contractor consortium intends to develop four different fronts for the construction of the underground Metro project.

Line 3 extension to Aghia Marina (Haidari) is provided for to be completed by the end of 2008 and concurrently with the construction of AGHIA MARINA (HAIDARI) Station a Transfer Station area will be created in the same area with a capacity of 380 places.

The estimated daily ridership of AGHIA MARINA (HAIDARI) Station is in the order of 30,000 passengers; passengers, thanks to the Metro operation, will be able to travel directly to ELEFTHERIOS VENIZELOS Airport in only 40 minutes.


This extension will be 8,2 km long with 7 modern stations; it will serve the needs of the residents of the western suburbs of Attica Basin and Piraeus, which will be served by 4 Metro Stations. The project was put to tender on June 7 2006 and 6 technical groups of companies/firms as a total submitted on September 28th the envelopes for the expression of interestwith regard to this extension. The evaluation of the envelopes will be soon completed by ATTIKO METRO S.A. and the project is expected to be awarded during the first semester of 2007, on condition that there are no entanglements to the Tender, due to objections, appeals, etc. upon completion of this extension, Line 3 of the Athens Metro will be 49 km long (out of which 28,5 km will be underground), its starting point being EVANGELISTRIA Station in Piraeus  and the Airport its terminal station. The time needed fro the construction of the project is estimated to be 62 months and this extension of Line 3 is estimated to serve more than 160,000 passengers on a daily basis.